For your convenience and to ensure your trip runs as smoothly as possible, we would be grateful if you and your party would each complete this form.

    Personal Details

    Your program dates

    Do you ski or snowboard?

    What is your fitness level?

    What is you ski/board off-piste ability level?

    Level 1 – Intermediate, you’ve skied off piste before but need to further improve your off piste technique in the classic terrain.

    Level 2 – Competent, you can put down a reasonable set of tracks in powder, but difficult snow types - heavy wet snow, crusts, poor visibility or 40dg slopes can all cause problems.

    Level 3 – Advanced, you сan put turns in through heavier snow and on icy 40dg slopes, but difficult breakable crusts and skiing a fresh track off piste in zero visibility are still somewhat challenging.

    Level 4 – Expert, you can ski all snow types including crusts in control and are happy on slopes of 45dg or when putting in a fresh track in zero visibility

    Insurance Details

    Being adequately insured is a condition of booking a trip with Altay Mountain Lodge & Yurts.

    If you have not purchased your insurance yet, send the policy details to us not later than 60 days before trip

    Emergency Contact Details


    I have read the information contained on this website and the full terms and conditions and agree to all terms, procedures and policies stated therein*.

    I agree that the data entered can be used in accordance with Altay Mountain Lodge LLP Privacy Policy*.

    The information given by me in this form is correct*.

    * Mandatory field